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Focusing on Interactive Media and Unique Experiences

Trisector v1.0.3 : Scoring and Graphics Update

New Burst+ power-up, Particle Shield, Improved Graphics, Dynamic Lighting, Scoring, and Scoring Leaderboards


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Trisector v1.0.3 : Scoring and Graphics Update Banner

Trisector v1.0.3 (189) is live in the App Store and includes some exciting new features such as a Burst+ power-up, Particle Shield, Improved Graphics, Dynamic Lighting, Scoring, and Scoring Leaderboards.

Dynamic Lighting Shader with Cocos2d v2.0

Creating a performant normal mapped lighting shader for Cocos2d v2.0 and CCSpriteBatchNode


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Improved Tile Culling for a CCSpriteBatchNode in cocos2d v2.0

For v1.0.3 of Trisector, I wanted to add dynamic lighting to the CCSpriteBatchNode layers to enhance the depth of field and to make the scene a bit more visually interesting. This article will discuss a dynamic lighting shader and a dynamic lighting and blur shader used in Trisector.

Trisector v1.0.1 : Universal Update

Universal iOS app supporting for iPhone and iPad devices


2-Minute Read

Trisector v1.0.1 : Universal Update Banner

Trisector v1.0.1 was released to the App Store on 2013/07/01 and is now a Universal App with new features including improved explosions, a virtual analog stick control option, and performance improvements.

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Smash/Riot LLC focuses on interactive media, virtual experiences, games, visual effects, VR/AR, and networked experiences for modern platforms.